Los Angeles Fire Emergency Resources

Los Angeles is prone to wildfires, and it is essential to be prepared and informed during such emergencies. Below is a detailed guide with links and resources to help you stay safe and access vital assistance during fire incidents.

Emergency Services

  • Los Angeles County Fire Department: Visit Website. Emergency: 911. Non-Emergency: (323) 881-2411.
  • Ready, Set, Go! Program: Learn More.
  • CalFire Wildfire Incident Map: View Map.

Evacuation Centers

  • Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management: Visit Website. Shelter Hotline: 2-1-1.
  • American Red Cross Shelter Finder: Find a Shelter.

Air Quality and Health

Pet and Animal Safety

  • LA County Animal Care and Control: Visit Website. Hotline: (562) 940-6898.
  • Humane Society Wildfire Preparedness: Read More.

Mental Health Support

  • LA County Department of Mental Health: Visit Website. Crisis Hotline: (800) 854-7771.
  • Disaster Distress Helpline: Call (800) 985-5990 or text "TalkWithUs" to 66746.

Preparedness Tips

Comprehensive Guide to Fire Emergency Resources in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is prone to wildfires, and it is essential to be prepared and informed during such emergencies. Below is a detailed guide with links and resources to help you stay safe and access vital assistance during fire incidents.

### Emergency Services

1. **Los Angeles County Fire Department**
- Official website with updates, safety information, and resources: [LA County Fire Department](https://fire.lacounty.gov)
- Emergency: **911**
- Non-Emergency Assistance: **(323) 881-2411**

2. **Ready, Set, Go! Program**
- A wildfire preparedness program offering actionable steps for evacuation readiness: [Ready for Wildfire](https://www.readyforwildfire.org/)

3. **CalFire Wildfire Incident Map**
- View live updates on wildfire locations and containment efforts: [CalFire Incident Map](https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/)


### Evacuation Centers

- **Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management**
- Provides information on active evacuation centers, shelters, and safety advisories.
- Website: [LA County Emergency](https://lacounty.gov/emergency/)
- Shelter Hotline: **2-1-1**

- **American Red Cross Shelter Finder**
- Access shelter locations and real-time updates during emergencies: [Red Cross Shelter Finder](https://www.redcross.org/get-help/disaster-relief-and-recovery-services/find-an-open-shelter.html)


### Air Quality and Health

1. **South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)**
- Stay informed about air quality levels and health precautions: [SCAQMD](http://www.aqmd.gov/)
- Real-time air quality map: [Air Quality Map](http://www.aqmd.gov/home/air-quality/air-quality-data-stories)

2. **California Poison Control System**
- For concerns about smoke inhalation or toxic exposures: **(800) 222-1222**

3. **Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)**
- Wildfire smoke safety tips and health resources: [CDC Wildfire Smoke Guide](https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/wildfires/smoke.html)


### Pet and Animal Safety

1. **Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control**
- Temporary shelters and resources for pets during evacuations: [Animal Care and Control](https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/)
- Hotline: **(562) 940-6898**

2. **Humane Society of the United States**
- Tips and guidelines for keeping pets safe during wildfires: [Humane Society Wildfire Preparedness](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/disaster-preparedness-pets)

3. **National Animal Rescue and Sheltering Coalition (NARSC)**
- National resources for animal evacuation and care: [NARSC Resources](https://www.narsc.net/)


### Mental Health Support

1. **Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health**
- Crisis counseling and mental health services for those impacted by fires.
- Crisis Hotline: **(800) 854-7771**
- Website: [LA County Mental Health](https://dmh.lacounty.gov/)

2. **Disaster Distress Helpline**
- Nationwide support for disaster-related stress: **(800) 985-5990** or text **"TalkWithUs" to 66746**


### Community and Volunteer Resources

1. **California Volunteers**
- Find opportunities to volunteer and support fire relief efforts: [California Volunteers](https://www.californiavolunteers.ca.gov/)

2. **United Way of Greater Los Angeles**
- Offers donation and volunteer programs to aid wildfire victims: [United Way LA](https://www.unitedwayla.org/)

3. **Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Foundation**
- A local organization supporting disaster preparedness and recovery: [LA Emergency Preparedness Foundation](https://www.laepf.org/)


### Utilities and Public Services

1. **Southern California Edison (SCE)**
- Report outages, receive updates on power restoration, and access wildfire safety tips: [SCE Wildfire Safety](https://www.sce.com/wildfire)
- Customer Service: **(800) 611-1911**

2. **Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)**
- Updates on water and power services during emergencies: [LADWP Emergency Information](https://www.ladwp.com/)
- Phone: **(800) 342-5397**


### Community Assistance Resources

1. **Youth & Families**
- Access support and programs for youth and families in Los Angeles: [Youth & Families Resources](https://lacity.gov/residents/community-assistance/youth-families)

2. **Housing & Renter Rights**
- Find resources on housing support and renters’ rights: [Housing Resources](https://housing.lacity.gov/residents)

3. **Homeless Services**
- Learn about services available for individuals experiencing homelessness: [Homeless Services](https://lacity.gov/residents/community-assistance/homeless-services)

4. **Seniors**
- Programs and services tailored for seniors: [Senior Resources](https://lacity.gov/residents/community-assistance/seniors)

5. **Disability Services**
- Accessibility and support services for individuals with disabilities: [Disability Services](https://lacity.gov/residents/community-assistance/disability-services)

6. **Domestic Violence Survivors**
- Assistance and resources for survivors of domestic violence: [Domestic Violence Resources](https://lacity.gov/residents/community-assistance/domestic-violence-survivors)

7. **Environmental Programs**
- Explore initiatives and resources for environmental sustainability: [Environmental Programs](https://lacity.gov/residents/community-assistance/environmental-programs)

8. **Raising the Minimum Wage**
- Information about Los Angeles’s minimum wage programs: [Minimum Wage Resources](https://wagesla.lacity.org)


### Preparedness Tips

1. **Assemble an Emergency Kit**
- Include water, non-perishable food, medication, first aid supplies, flashlights, and extra batteries. For a complete checklist, visit: [Ready.gov Emergency Kit](https://www.ready.gov/kit)

2. **Create a Family Communication Plan**
- Ensure everyone knows evacuation routes and how to reconnect if separated. Learn more: [FEMA Family Plan](https://www.ready.gov/plan)

3. **Defensible Space and Home Safety**
- Regularly clear vegetation and debris around your property to reduce fire risk. Guidelines: [CalFire Defensible Space](https://www.readyforwildfire.org/prepare-for-wildfire/get-ready/defensible-space/)

4. **Stay Informed**
- Sign up for local emergency alerts through LA County’s NotifyLA program: [NotifyLA](https://www.lacounty.gov/emergency/alert-la-county/)


By leveraging these resources, you can stay prepared, informed, and safe during wildfire emergencies. Bookmark this guide and share it with your community to promote resilience and readiness.